At the end of the academic year at Asian university, the BA Multimedia (BAM) students made their final presentations on the topic of identity and personal freedom.
Netty explained her model of hanging discs or coins comparing fantasy and reality; at first she thought they were totally different then with deeper thought realized that the borders are unclear. Sometimes we can’t differentiate one from the other. So the two sides of the “coins” represent fantasy and reality, and keep moving in the air.
Jo took a more literal view of the subject by meeting and talking to a family who are stateless; so have lost their identity and freedom. She had researched the UN convention on Human Rights, and discovered that the family concerned live like fugitives in spite of wanting to settle. Her photos of the family and their quotes were very moving.
Katha and Nat hung a full length mirror on the wall with the stencilled word “Fake”, to question whether the image you see is real or fake.
Fame and Pop presented masks of tears and pain. They researched the long history of masks used to hide true identities and then made their masks from plaster and sea shells. The masks show some of the feelings that we can not hide.
In the 21st century, people have less freedom and their identities are becoming vague, according to Nicole, who presented a painting to represent these ideas.
Self fulfilling prophecy can be summarized as follows: we form expectations of people and events; we communicate these expectations directly and indirectly; people respond by matching these expectations and the result is that the original expectations come true. Jessie based her reaching-out sculpture on this.
Using a dark room, with blue light only, A and Fai presented many images (photos, cuttings, memorabilia) depicting the room of the psycho paparazzi tracking and photographing a celebrity’s life.
The exhibition of Anna and Stamp was entitled Narcissism. It took the form of an altar or shrine, indicating that when we love ourselves very much, we are almost praying to ourselves.
The presentation of a web site by Jun and Sake was very dark. The freedom of the internet is used by many people to express their views, whether they are happy or sad. The final quote from Jun: “Embrace the darkness, there is nothing to fear … not even death itself”
The morning was concluded in the BAM studio with three short documentary films, produced by the BAM students. One looked at the use of skin whitening creams, one at tattoos and the third at make up for men. All looked at the topics in an imaginative way, with interviews, and the use of a variety of images.
Thanks to Ajarns Nui and Robert for the photographs.
1 May 2008