Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Students’ Annual Community Service Teaching Project

Fang asks what it is.

Jessica and Num ask the children to reply

Over the last few weeks, a group of students and staff from Asian University have been visiting a local primary school to help the pupils and teachers with their English lessons. This is an annual community service project and benefits everyone. The Asian U Students have a chance to try their hands at teaching, the children have a different group of teachers and everyone has a chance to get to know one another and have some fun.

Yiam and Fang listen to the answers

The children at the Huay Yai primary School enjoyed their classes with their visiting teachers. The university students learnt a little about teaching.

Fang and Bem help the children

The Asian University students selected the best three pupils in each class and these youngsters were then given an English assessment by Ajarn Keith to find the best English student at the Huay Yai School. The winner was Miss Kanokwan Noichim.

Kong works with some of the boys

The photos (thanks to Ajarn Robert) show some of the smiling children, including Kanokwan, and the University students.

Kanokwan (centre) listens to Bem

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