Friday, 16 November 2007

Asian U students visit Pattaya Orphanage.

On Wednesday 14 November, about 40 Asian University students travelled by bus from campus to the Pattaya Orphanage. They took along some food, for supper, and some games to play with the children. They also took along a few treats for the youngsters.

The orphanage was founded by Father Ray Brennan, a Redemptorist Priest. He was in Pattaya when a tiny, unwanted infant was left with him in 1970. Soon, by default, Father Ray had an orphanage. It became his life’s passion, and the work grew and grew.

After a brief introduction to the orphanage, which has over 170 children in residence, the students visited the nursery and played with the infants for a while. Then they met up with the older children and played with them, inside and out. Some students went to join the deaf children, and learnt a little about the hardships of using sign language.

The students, lead by the chairman of the Community Service Committee, Khun Bic, organised games and took part with the children, talking with them in both Thai and English.

The staff of the home prepared a meal for everyone, using some of the donated food and drink from the students, and after everyone had enjoyed their ice creams, the students returned to campus on Highway 331.

The photos (mostly taken by Ajarn Robert) show the Asian U students playing with the children at the orphanage.

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