Tuesday, 27 November 2007

More success

Panasonic Scholarship

Sathita Kaveevivitchai, who was named in the President’s list of outstanding students in 2004 and 2005, was the first woman president of Asian University’s Student Union during the academic year, 2005-2006.

In 2007, Sathita graduated with a First Class Hons degree in Information Systems Engineering and won a scholarship from Panasonic Co Ltd. to continue her studies for a Master’s degree in Computer Networks. She is one of three Thais (from over three hundred applicants) to be awarded these scholarships by Panasonic to study in Japan. Sathita will start her studies in Japan next February and in the meanwhile she is brushing up her Japanese language skills to help her to settle in.

SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) Award

Asian University’s SIFE team has been awarded $650 by the headquarters of the organisation to further their business activities in Thailand, Natchapon Changsatitwong, the SIFE team leader, learnt recently. The team is excited as this will enable them to make further progress and also increase the number of villagers actively involved in their Char-Chain Reaction.

The aim of the Char-Chain Reaction is to establish a model of organic agriculture by spreading knowledge of organic products to interested groups through permanent exhibitions. In particular the students have concentrated on improving the production, packaging, marketing and use of wood vinegar, produced as an organic by-product of charcoal burning.

Earlier this year the Asian U team was in Bangkok for the Thai National final competition. Asian U came first in their group in the first round after giving a presentation, in English, and showing off samples of their wood vinegar, brand name “Awake”. Awake has already been produced and sold in Sambandid.

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