Monday, 12 November 2007

Asian University’s Ninth Mini Marathon: 2007

Every year, at the beginning of November, the Sports staff organise a mini marathon; twice round the campus of Asian University or approximately 4km up and down hill. The event is open to everyone at Asian U: University students, College pupils, faculty members, maintenance and cleaning staff.

A single lap relay race was run first and then the main event; the ninth mini-marathon. The overall winner was China Tosinthiti or Ninja, a second year engineering student, who finished the course in 15 minutes, over two minutes ahead of the second student, Anat Tangwisesphabul or Pop, another second year engineering student. A third year multi-media student (Watunyu Chaiyasit, also nicknamed Pop) came third.

Sirima Monphananeewong or Sima, came first of the female students in just over 22 minutes; she is a second year business student. First (4th year Liberal Arts) was third and Jo (2nd year multi-media) came third.

The fastest in the male staff category was Apisit, one of the maintenance team, and the first female staff member was College teacher Shayapa.

There were several categories of awards: students, staff, males and females, College pupils, which meant that there were lots of medals presented to happy runners. After the ceremonies, there was a barbecue for everyone to enjoy.

The photos show some of the participants and winners.

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